One day, Sora mysteriously falls from the window of an upper floor in the school building. After being released from the hospital and returning to the school dormitory, his friend Matsuri announces that he has a new roommate, a very effeminate boy named Sunao who was their friend from childhood. The only problem is that Sora cannot remember him at all -- which upsets Sunao and turns him rather cold to Sora. Mystified as to why he cannot remember his past or why he fell from the building, Sora is determined to get answers, which turns out to be no easy task when things such as a sexually-harrassing math teacher or ghost possession get in the way. Then there is also the matter of Sunao acting very strangely from time to time...
What happened to my text!? I'll fix it later. Anyway, yes this is a yaoi game and it's for people at least older than 14(Since there are certain scenes). This is probably one of my favorite visual novels out, and it's probably because it's yaoi. That's why I was overthrilled when they made it into anime. Besides it's certain scenes, it's a very adorable game and I just love the graphics and character desighn! Especially Nao-chan(He's the pink haired one)! Again, this is for people over 14 and ONLY for Yaoi lovers. If you want to see a more mellow version, watch the anime. It barely has any of those certain scenes and if they do, they don't show any private parts. A very adorable game indeed!
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