Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Chouhi From Jyuzaengi Engetsu Sangokuden

This is my beloved Chouhi from Jyuzaengi Engetsu Sangokuden. He's the brash idiot that's kinda like Naruto. He's constantly aggravating the enemy by his outbursts and sharp as heck voice, although, he does it because he loves Kanu. He's always been in love with Kanu and is constantly trying to get her attention but fails because she then directs her attention to Ryuubi. I love how when he's first introduced, he's telling his buddys that he's gonna marry Kanu one day, but none of them believe he well and shoot him down. Poor Chouhi-kun! Chouhi's been training very hard to protect Kanu and when he finally get's his chance, he dresses like a cowboy. Then he starts chasing the hell out of people and scared the heck out of their well allied soldiers. LOL!!! I loved this one part when Kanu dreamed of Chouhi and told him, and he was all happy until she told him the dream was about him being really retarded. I lolled so hard at that and felt very sorry for him. This guy does not get a break does he? Another one of my favorite parts was when he and Kanu were kids, she was always doting on Ryuubi and he was super jealous so he had an idea. He went to the top of a mountain, climbed a tree, sat there and wailed. Four hours later, here comes Kanu and she's all like, "What the heck are you doing?!" He tells her that he wanted to make her worry so he climbed a tree and got stuck. She then climbs the tree, asks him to get on her back, and he refuses. Like, who's gonna let the girl you love give you a piggyback ride down a tree? LAME! So, then they plummet to the ground and they both die. Just kidding. There was this sweet moment between them two where he layed an her lap and was purring like a real cat and fell asleep, totally kawaii. I played this route two times and once I got the bad end. It was so sad because Chouhi-kun got shot down by arrows right after Kanu got shot down by arrows and they die holding eachother. I cried a river and I almost broke my PSP because I was throwing stuff. I love this route as much as I loved Ryuubi-chan's route and I actually think that Chouhi-kun is a little better than Ryuubi-chan. You just got to love those kitty ears!!!!

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