Saturday, March 15, 2014

Higurashi Review

This is Higuashi, and I'm not going to give a synpothesis on this one(Because it's so well known). Plus it has the same plot as the anime. Again, what is up with the animation?! The animation is very poor, and so poor that kinda takes away some of the scary factor. Pushing animation aside, the plot of this visual novel is very interesting and thought out. With me going back to animation problems, if this was better animated, then it would have been ten times better than the anime, I mean look at their hands! And it makes their so called scary expressions make them look more constipated than angry. There is also a lot of comedy in this game. I'd have to say that in the anime, they got rid of a lot of the comedy, instead of the fourth season. All and all, this was a good game to play on the weekend.

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