Sunday, March 23, 2014

Ryuubi From Jyuzaengi Engetsu Sangokuden

This is Ryuubi from Jyuzaengi Engetsu Sangokuden. He's the head of all the kitty cats because he's from some king cat linage. He acts and looks like a 10 year old, which can getting annoying because of how naive and spoiled he is. But man is he so freakin cute and who can hate a kitty who smiles all the time!! I seriously need a kitten like this, like for reals! Ryuubi, Kanu and some other kitties form trios and stuff, being raised like siblings. Everyone dotes on him and Kanu does it too. willing to do anything to protect her precious little kitty brother. At one point Kanu had to chop kitty ears off of this one guy in front of Ryuubi-chan and she kept on apologizing to him, but he didn't know what was going on and started chattering, "What ever you did Kanu-chan, is all right. I'd never hate you!" I was all like, "To much cuteness!!!!!" And another part, Kanu had to leave him for like five minutes and he made this freakin kawaii pouty face and told her not to leave him alone. This kitty knows how to make my heart go doki doki. BUT HE CAN BE FREAKIN SCARY AS HECK!!! At one point, Kanu runs in front of Ryuubi-chan and takes a blow for him and he was going super saiyen on them for reals and was all like, "I'm gonna kick all ya butts!" And his eyes started glowing and black stuff was swirling around him. I was all like, "Ryuubi may be a little cute kitty, but when he gets angry....He gonna kill everybody in his kitty cat way." He has a lot of secrets revealed in his path, but you'll either have to go to a different website or play the game to find those out. All and all, I LOVE RYUUBI-CHAN!! I just really need to get a kitty as cute as him, because my actual cat is an demon and bites me all the time for no reason. He is by far my most favorite character in this game and I can't wait to see how they'll depict him in the upcoming anime!!

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