Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Craes From Snow Bound Land

This is Craes from Snow Bound Land, my little shota boy. He works in a bakery where Gerda is frequent customer(Gerda is the heroine). He's known her since he was like 5 when he first moved to the village. Craes was this tsundere shota boy who hated Gerda because she was always taking away his playtime with his BFF Kai. But Craes eventually fell in love with Gerda and started to get jealous that Kai was taking away his playtime with his BFF Gerda. One day he fell off a cliff and died, but made a deal with a demon that after he died the demon would bring him back to life. His route was so kawaii and sad, I cried at least twice. Craes captured my heart the moment I saw his photo on the game case, and playing his route made me want him as my little brother. And when he blushes, it's just the cutest thing in the world! And get this, he's actually 18 making that a year older than Gerda. When I first saw him, I thought he was like 15 or 14 tops and maybe even younger. What a shota boy. And being a tsundere shota boy, he was always smacking people around with his frying pan when they irritated him. I lolled so hard at those points! I tots love this route and this shota boy who smacks people with frying pans, he my fav! I'm so glad I chose to play his route first and I wish I could go through the experience of playing it all over again. Love you Craes-chan!!!!!

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